Editing the metatag codes and Change the alternative image in the Iqraa Mag Template

Blogger Template November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023
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Description: How to modify the meta tag codes, alternative image link, and website logo in the Iqraa template to improve SEO and gain the trust of search engines.
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metatag codes

Meta tag codes and alternative image codes are essential in any template used on the Blogger platform. They are codes that help improve SEO, gain the trust of search engines, and improve archiving.

Modifying meta tag codes

The Iqraa template has been provided with the best meta tag codes, which help gain the trust of search engines, help speed up archiving, and improve the user experience.

Most of the meta tag codes that were used in the Iqraa template work without any intervention from the blog owner, with the exception of a few codes that require entering the blog owner’s data, which are the following codes:

<meta content='Facebook page ID' property='fb:page_id'/>
<meta content='Page admin ID' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='@Twitter page username ' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='@blog owner's Twitter username' name='twitter:creator'/> -html code-

All you have to do is enter the data for your site in the space designated for it, and to be able to find these codes within the Iqraa template codes, when entering the template’s HTML code editing page, press ctrl+f and then search for REQUAIRED META TAGS.

Don't forget to put the site's Twitter page ID preceded by @. -warning message-

Change the alternative image in the Iqraa template

The alternative image is necessary to give aesthetics to the blog, and to its links when shared on social media. It appears when sharing the link to the site’s home page on social media, and it also appears when sharing links to articles that do not contain an image.

The alternative image also appears as a thumbnail for articles that do not contain images on the home page and other tools that require an article thumbnail to appear.

In addition to this, the Read template has another exclusive feature, which is the use of an alternative image at the top of articles that do not contain images, so that it appears beautifully as an image for the article.

It is preferable that the alternative image contain your site’s logo and a brief phrase that expresses your site’s content. It is also okay for it to contain the name of the site on social media sites. -Positive message-

To change the alternative image, go to the HTML code editing page for the template, then press ctrl+f and search for iqraa-alternativeIMG.

Once you find the appropriate code (located below), change the link to the existing image of the Iqraa template, with a link to the alternative image of your blog.

<Variable name="alternativeIMG" description="iqraa-alternativeIMG" type="string" value="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi14EvpNwj3C-Fq06sYrlKszzi_7AYQVheVFu3ZqhKL5Of1W5FMYZDEccKs5SnfsIi7z4MWJGj9AFJPiCe51Fbm_7ujmrHGXdzrbZsHjt-fRJTAv9XVjJJDS2Ac5GSm7Xt7Xk7WlPB_M2z60XNIZZbFKmmeB4kBIquVhVrMuIY69-ZYstdGDjTtT_1Kn5o/s1600/IqraaTemplateLogo.png"/> 

Don't forget to click the save button before exiting.

To ensure the best appearance of the alternative image or cover images for other articles on the Iqraa template, it is recommended to use a size of 750x450, or if you want the image to be in a higher resolution, you can use a size of 1500x900, but the size will of course be larger.

Then search for noThumbnail in the template, and you will see a code as follows:

var noThumbnail = 'https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjnJxwt_MTzZmC6HbO2gddkN2jnvM8E3mwgDfunbEStjwxbbqq9oYhCFNK75RIC9D2OZ0Bvce5vRJlZSiJa0eru_7w3TUdZ6rlvZq0rjRl540JqGF6JWqfJDQwwUOq9zME-h9frH9omsfmc/s16000-e360-rw/iqraalogo.webp',

Also change the link of this image with the link of your alternative image.

Change site logo link for schema code

In the Iqraa template, we have made it much easier for template users, and one of the things we have made easy is the way to change the site logo that appears in the schema code.

To do this, all you have to do is go to the template's HTML code editing page, then press ctrl+f, and search for iqraa-schemalogo.

Once you find the appropriate code (located below), change the Iqra template logo link with your site logo.

<Variable name="schemalogo" description="schemalogo" type="string" value="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEi3uFkxfGG3G9vx4rDJGHTVXuqGypi38AQZfRSxdfc2WHE0chZHmZepxBhkltSPK8xFWXdclsypEUs7KcTdS3NCFKuyfK0lpZY6Ar-sKsae2e2oqtBZIQBo6pKJzg00FVMNdQ_6KZh8RYHTszweU2Zn5n9eauwlCHLtsjeR3fVqmjZtKpo5GPOA2pajpg=s250"/> 

Don't forget to save the template before exiting.

Add a contact page link to the error page

 In the Iqraa template, we have designed the error page in a distinctive and professional way that helps attract the attention of the visitor who may enter the error page and attracts him to search more within the blog.

On the error page, we have included two buttons, one of which is the home page button, by clicking which the visitor will be directed to the blog’s home page.

The other is the contact page button, by clicking which the visitor will be directed to the contact page.

As for the home button, it does not need any modification.

As for the contact page button, if your contact page link looks like this:


You do not have to make any modifications.

If your contact page link is different from the previous format, then you must modify the contact page link from the template codes so that the visitor is directed correctly.

To modify the link, you must follow these steps:

Blogger platform --> Appearance --> Edit HTML

Search the template codes for the following code:

data:blog.homepageUrl.canonical path &quot;p/contact.html&quot; 

You will find it repeated twice. Replace “contact” at the end of the link to your contact page. Let us assume that the link to your contact page is as follows:


You will modify the code to be as follows:

data:blog.homepageUrl.canonical path &quot;p/call-us.html&quot; 

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