Logo and Post Thumbnil Size and Setting for Iqra Mag Template

Blogger Template November 30, 2023 November 30, 2023
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Description: Several tips on how to use images correctly and correctly in the Iqraa template to ensure that they do not have a negative impact on the site’s perfor
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Logo and Post Thumbnil Size

The use of images in the blog and within the posts is an important matter in order to gain leadership and gain visitors, but there are some tips that must be followed to ensure the best use of images within the template, which are:

Logo Image - Best Dimensions for Logo Image

To ensure the best display of the logo image at the top of the blog, we recommend using the following dimensions: 250x120 in the first version of the template, and 500x240 in the second version of the template.

After you upload your logo, the image link will look like this:

 https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjPtlDDgR2RlrzZReCiPlRm43XkBEgKXWeBuK3NrWw-xmQ1wiJ73dlBnfbmLtcVq4I2nJ6_E9HM2icgRZlqOgoKjuyZoVW4ZdFm-svyLcs2SvjsynI ecc0hlssnIKdhTeBmL8f9UnI3tFKqkJ9aS9fTYpIEjbDaBj8ruAj2ZMEiM8nwbndMNZWRjQk8uw=s250

Add -rw-e360 to the end of the link to look like this:

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjPtlDDgR2RlrzZReCiPlRm43XkBEgKXWeBuK3NrWw-xmQ1wiJ73dlBnfbmLtcVq4I2nJ6_E9HM2icgRZlqOgoKjuyZoVW4ZdFm-svyLcs2SvjsynI ecc0hlssnIKdhTeBmL8f9UnI3tFKqkJ9aS9fTYpIEjbDaBj8ruAj2ZMEiM8nwbndMNZWRjQk8uw=s250-rw-e360

Best Size For Post Cover Photo

The cover image has been customized in the Read More template, and to ensure its best display we recommend using the following dimensions: 1500x900
The Cover Photo is the First Photo in The Article.

To ensure that images do not have a negative impact on the blog's speed and indexing, we advise you to convert all images that you wish to upload to the blog to webp format.

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