Explanation of the Template Properties Control Tool Options from the Iqra Mag Template control panel

Blogger Template November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023
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Description: An explanation of how to properly set up the options for the template properties control tool from the Iqraa template control panel
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Template control panel

When you enter the Blogger platform and then to the layout page, you will find at the top a section marked in blue titled “Control Panel”. This section contains a number of important tools for managing the template and content.

Here in this post, we will highlight the options of one of these tools, which is “Control Template Properties.

Template properties control tool options

This is Most Powerful Tool for Iqra Mag Blogger Template. This Tools Make Easier For make any Changes in This Template. You Can Make any Changes in Iqra Mag Blogger Template Without Knowing any Coading By Using Iqra Mag Powerful Layout Panel. We Make All Setting Widgets for Layout. This tool contains 5 important options, which are as follows:

  1. Number of articles per page: This is the option responsible for the number of articles that are displayed on the categories page. To ensure that the template works properly, it is preferable that it be an even number and corresponding to the number that was specified in the “Maximum number of posts displayed on the home page” option from the Blogger settings .
  2. Sidebar installation: This is the option responsible for activating or deactivating sidebar installation. It is activated by adding the word true to the website URL field, or it can be deactivated by adding the word false. (The default for this option is true).
  3. Install the top menu: It is the option responsible for activating or deactivating the installation of the top menu. It is activated by adding the word true, or deactivated by adding the word false (the default status of this option is false).
  4. Number of posts in the Related Articles section: This is the option responsible for determining the number of articles you want to appear in the Related Articles section that appears at the bottom of the posts page. It is preferable that the number be 3 or any other number that is a multiple of 3 to ensure proper display.
  5. Include photos and video in comments: This option is responsible for activating or deactivating the ability to include photos and video in comments. It is activated by adding the word true to the website URL field, or it can be deactivated by adding the word false (the default for this option is true).

Important note

Do not change the names of these options, otherwise you may cause the template to crash and not work. -Warning message titled-

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