How to Activate and use the second type of link conversion tool Safelink in the Iqraa Mag Template

Blogger Template November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023
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Description: An explanation of how to activate and use the second type of conversion tool, links in the Iqra template for the Blogger platform, with an explanation
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The Iqraa template contains two different styles of link conversion page, each style has something that distinguishes it from the other. Some may prefer to use the first method, which is based on redirecting the link to a specific page, which contains some texts and advertisements. However, this style may have some doubts about whether it violates AdSense policies or not, although these doubts can be overcome by following some instructions, such as filling the conversion page with specific texts, reducing the number of ads, etc.

However, despite this, we decided to make something better in the Read template, and that is why we decided to add this new style to the link conversion page, which we called the second style.The reason for the name is not that it comes in importance after the first type, but rather because we added it after the first type.

Futures of The Second Style Link Conversion Tool (Safelink) Page in the Iqra Mag Template


The most important thing that distinguishes this style from the first style of link conversion page is that this style does not depend on a specific conversion page.Rather, this pattern converts links to random articles from the same blog, thus eliminating the problem of clashing with AdSense policies.In this mode, you do not have to try to find a page that satisfies AdSense, but rather the links will be converted to articles you previously write.

In this way, you will increase visits to those articles, and will also increase the length of time visitors stay on your blog, thus increasing the chances of seeing and clicking on ads.

How to Activate The Second Style of Link Conversion Tool ( Safelink Tool)

To activate this style of link conversion page, you must follow the following steps: Blogger platform --> Appearance --> Customization --> Advanced Settings --> Template Tools and Options --> Link Conversion Tool
  1. Setting this option to 1 means completely deactivating the link conversion tool.
  2. Setting it to 2 means activating the first style of the link conversion page.
  3. While setting it to 3 means activating the second mode of the link conversion page. 

How Install This Safelink Tool Page

After activating the tool, we install the link generator tool, and to do this we create a new page. We put the page title in the beginning islgenerator and then click the publish button.After that, we edit the page again, and this time we change the page title to the name we want.Then we put the editor in HTML mode, and copy the codes for the link generator.

These codes were sent to you with the template codes when you purchased them.
After That Disable Comments for Page and Published The Page.

How To Safelink Tool Work

Now that the tool has been activated and the link generator has been installed, it is the turn to explain how the second type of link conversion tool works.All you have to do is take the link you want to convert to the link conversion page, put it in the link generator, then click the “Generate Safe Link” button.Then copy it and place it where you want.Now by clicking on this link, the visitor will be transferred to a random article in which the counter will appear, and at the end, the target link will be visited.

Setting of Some Futures and Option of Second Link Conversion Tool ( Safelink Tool)

Five variables related to this style can be controlled from the link conversion page, by following the following steps: Blogger platform --> Layout --> Controlling the link conversion page --> Second style settings.
Blogger Safelink Page
Through This Tools You Can Make These Changes.
Safelik blogger

  1. Waiting time in seconds: Through this option you can control the number of seconds you want the visitor to wait before the link appears to him.
  2. First button phrase: Through this option, you can specify the first button phrase that appears at the top of the post to which you have been converted.
  3. Wait phrase: Through this option, you can specify the wait phrase that appears to the visitor at the bottom of the article after pressing the first button.
  4. Second button phrase: Through this option, you can specify the second button phrase that will appear after the end of the period that you specified in the first option.
  5. How to open the link: Through this option, you can specify how to open the link in a new window (_blank) or in the same window (_self).

Quick link conversion button without using link generator

To facilitate the process of calling the conversion tool without using the link generator every time, we have created a special button that can be used within the post or page to convert the link directly to the conversion page.All you have to do is use the following code:
<div class='iSLBTN button' data-link='your link here'>Button Name</div>

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