How to Activate and use the first type of link Conversion Tool in the Iqraa Mag Template

Blogger Template November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023
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Description: An explanation of activating and using the link conversion page, the first style, in the Iqraa template for the Blogger platform to increase profits.
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link Conversion Tool

The external link conversion tool is one of the very important tools that can contribute to increasing profits, impressions, and number of views on a site. In the Iqraa Mag Template, we present to you two types of link conversion pages and tools, each of which has its own characteristics and features. You can Activate 1 Tool in on Time. Here in This post we Tell you How to Activate the first type of External link Conversion Tool in the Iqraa Mag Template, in addition to how to use and control it.

Activate the first style link conversion tool

To activate the first type of link conversion tool for a template, you must follow the following steps:
Blogger platform --> Appearance --> Customization --> Advanced Settings --> Template Tools and Options --> Link Conversion Tool ----> Slect 2 and Activate
Screenshot For More Details.

  • Setting this option to 1 means deactivating the link conversion tool
  • Setting it to 2 means activating the first-style link conversion tool
  • Setting it to 3 means activating the second-style link conversion tool

Create a Auto link conversion page

Then, after activating the tool, we have to create a link conversion page, using the code that was sent to you when you purchased the template, by following the following steps:

Blogger platform --> Pages --> +Create New page

First, write the page title in English, preferably “ redirect ” Then open the HTML view of the editor and copy the link conversion page codes that were sent to Disable Comments for page and publish the page.

Setting of 1st Type Auto Link Conversion Tools in Layout Section

You can control several features and settings of the first-style link conversion page, by following the following steps:

Blogger platform --> Layout --> Controlling the link conversion page --> First style settings

Through the window that will appear, you can modify the following options:
  1. Timing: You set the waiting period before the link appears.
  2. Excluded sites: Through this option, you can specify sites that you do not want to be automatically converted to the link conversion page (the importance of this option appears when automatic conversion is activated for all external links). We have pre-specified some sites to be excluded, but you can delete what you want and add what you want, and all you have to do is separate the sites with “| ” .
  3. Page name: In this option, you must put the English name of your redirect page. If you initially created it as redirect, you do not have to modify anything. If you created the page under another name, replace “redirect” with the name you created for your page.
  4. Automatic modification of links: By activating this option, all external links (except for those sites that you entered in the exclusion list) will be transferred to the link conversion page.
  5. The link will not open automatically after the countdown: By activating this option, the link will not open automatically after the countdown ends.
  6. Preparing the link phrase: Through this option, you specify the phrase that appears to the visitor while the link is being prepared, and it is set by default to “The link is being prepared.”
  7. Ready link phrase: Through this option, you specify the phrase that appears to the visitor when the link is shown, and it is automatically set to “Click now.”
  8. Ready link phrase: Through this option, you specify the phrase that appears to the visitor when the link is shown, and it is automatically set to “Click now.”

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