Shortcodes and many tools to format posts and pages in the Iqraa Mag template

Blogger Template November 29, 2023 November 29, 2023
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Description: An explanation of a group of short codes and distinctive tools through which posts and pages can be formatted in the Iqra template for the Blogger pla
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Shortcodes for post

In the Iqra Mag template, we offer you many unique features and tools that help you develop your blogs and provide better content to your visitors. In the Iqra Mag template, we are very keen to make things easier for you, make blogging fun, and be of help to every beginner who wants to start on this path. Among what we offer you in the Iqraa template are many short codes that can help you format your posts, beautify your pages, and present your content in a more beautiful way.

Here we will explain a group of these important codes, so follow along with us.

Positive message box

untitled Succes message box Code For Post and Pages
 <div class="iqraa-message success">Put the text you want here</div>
Put the text you want here
Succes Massage Box With Tittle Code
<div class="iqraa-message success imtitle"><h2>Put here the title you want</h2><p>Put here the text you want.</p></div>

Example Box

This is Example Result Success Massage Box With Title.

Demo Title

This is an experimental text that can be replaced in the same space with any other text, and it has been generated to display the properties and features of the Read Only template. -Positive message titled

Information message box

Information Box Without Title

<div class="iqraa-message info">Put the text you want here</div>
Put the text you want here
Information Box With Title

<div class="iqraa-message info imtitle"><h2>Put here the title you want</h2><p>Put here the text you want.</p></div>


Example Tinformation Title Box

Demo Title

Put here the text you want. This is Information Title Box For Post and Pages.

<div class="iqraa-message warning imtitle"><h2>Demo Title</h2><p>ضع هنا النص الذيyour Message Text Here.</p></div>

Error Massage Box

<div class="iqraa-message error">your massage Here</div> 
This is a demo text that can be replaced in the same space with any other text, and it has been generated to display the properties and features of the Read Only template.
<div class="iqraa-message error imtitle"><h2>Title Here</h2><p>Message Here.</p></div>

Demo title

This is a demo text that can be replaced in the same space with any other text, and it has been generated to display the properties and features of the Read Only template.

Code Display Box for Post and Pages

HTML Code Box
<pre class="code html"><code>your html Code Here</code></pre>
CSS Code Box
<pre class="code css"><code>your css code here</code></pre>
JavaScript Code Box
<pre class="code js"><code>your java code here</code></pre>
Foldable Box Code For Post and Pages

<button class="iqraacoll" type="button"><svg class="isourcebefore" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13.744 8s1.522-8-3.335-8h-8.409v24h20v-13c0-3.419-5.247-3.745-8.256-3zm4.256 11h-12v-1h12v1zm0-3h-12v-1h12v1zm0-3h-12v-1h12v1zm-3.432-12.925c2.202 1.174 5.938 4.883 7.432 6.881-1.286-.9-4.044-1.657-6.091-1.179.222-1.468-.185-4.534-1.341-5.702z"/></svg>Title for Foldable Box<svg class="isourceafter" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M7.33 24l-2.83-2.829 9.339-9.175-9.339-9.167 2.83-2.829 12.17 11.996z"/></svg></button><div class="collcontent">This is a demo text that can be replaced in the same space with any other text, and it has been generated to display the properties and features of the Read Only template.</div></div>
Example of Foldable Box
This is a demo text that can be replaced in the same space with any other text, and it has been generated to display the properties and features of the Read Only template.

Buttons Codes for Post and Pages

<a class="button small download" href="#">Download</a>

<a class="button medium download" href="#">Download</a>

<a class="button large download" href="#">Download</a>

Preview Buttons Code
<a class="button small demo" href="#">Preview</a>

<a class="button medium demo" href="#">Preview</a>

<a class="button large demo" href="#">Preview</a>
Buy Buttons Codes
<a class="button small buy" href="#">Buy</a>

<a class="button medium buy" href="#">Buy</a>

<a class="button large buy" href="#">Buy</a>
Publick Links Buttons
<a class="button small link" href="#">Button Text</a>

<a class="button medium link" href="#">Button Text</a>

<a class="button large link" href="#">Button Text</a>
Buttons Withput any Icons
<a class="button small" href="#">Button Text</a>

<a class="button medium" href="#">Button Text</a>

<a class="button large" href="#">Button Text</a>

Embed video with lazy loading

Another feature available in the Iqraa template, which can prevent the negative impact of YouTube videos on the site's functionality and speed, is the lazy loading feature for videos. Any video can be embedded in posts or pages using the following code:

<div class="iYouTubeiFrame"><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" class="iframe-video iYTBLazy" data-src="https:// videoid " frameborder="0" title="YouTube video player"></iframe></div>

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Blogger Template

AuthorBlogger Template

Hellow We are Stylo Templates. We Offers You To Create Custom Blogger Template Design For You.

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